XLSR Meetup Tips

Over the years we've gathered tips and tricks that have helped us on Meetup Rides. 

Want to ride with XLSR? 

Find our public meetup page here:
XLSR - Xtreme Lean Sport Riders Photos (meetup.com)

Show up with Gas. 

Make sure you plan an extra 20 minutes to get a full tank before the meetup ride. 

Show up with Gear.

Make sure you have actual motorcycle gear on.


Show up ready to ride. 

Check your bike

Check your mind

Check your ride

Meetup rides are for us to get to meet you, not for railing. 

No Stunts

The front wheels come up on litre bikes. It happens.
We ride like we ride on the track.
Max traction, max performance, as an art.  
Extreme Lean Sport Riders. 

Any other ideas for tips we should add or try? Send us a message and let us know!