Track Days (PNW)
Why Track Days?
Why Track Days?
Getting an endorsement is akin to wearing diapers. You need to get on the track to learn to ride, and not just once, and not just a TOR.
Get real training. Do track days.
Enhance your skills with real training on Track Days. Hosted by various companies with exceptional trainers, expect 7 to 8 sessions of 20-minute track rides interspersed with training and rest. Start with the "Novice" or "A" group and focus on honing your skills, not just speed. Get out there and ride!
Interested in Racing? We are!
WMRRA is Washingtons premier Motorcycle Road Race Association. Join a community that breathes racing here: Washington Motorcycle Road Racing Association and learn more about WMRRA's rich history here: WMRRA From The Outside. Several XLSR members are WMRRA racers. WMRRA #55 Richard King (seen above).
Consider being a Corner Worker!
We need YOU! WMRRA - Corner Working @ WMRRA. Be a Corner Worker! Your presence is crucial. Support WMRRA by becoming a corner worker and feel the adrenaline from the best view in the house.
Experience the track firsthand with a Taste of Racing (TOR).
Offered usually on Saturdays during WMRRA races, TOR allows you to ride at moderated speeds, guided by Track Marshalls. Safety is paramount, with strict gear and rule requirements. All proceeds support injured riders through the WMRRA fund.
The Ridge: The 50 foot plunge down the Ridge Complex at turn 13 at The Ridge Road Course :: ROAD COURSE | Ridge MP
PIR: Portland Internional Raceway
SIR: Seattle International Raceway (See Pacific)
Pacific: Pacific Raceway (formerly SIR), The Ocean.
OPR: Oregon Pacific Raceway
OPRT: Optimum Performance Rider Training
A TOR : A Taste of Racing.
WMRRA : Washington Motorcycle Road Race Association.
OMRRA : Oregon Motorcycle Road Race Association.
TWOT: A Twist of the Wrist II, Keith Code, California Superbike School. (Just read it)
50% Tread: Time for new tires.
The following maps are courtesy of 2Fast... Track Dates Schedule | 2 Fast Track Days. Thank you 2Fast.